Authors Self Archiving Policy

Archiving Policy of Submitted Articles

Pre-Print Permission

IJSF allow its author/s to archive their work in open access repositories as non-peer-reviewed “pre-prints”.

This is allowed so that authors can make necessary improvements before submitting it to the journal.

However before submission to IJSF, they have to send an under-taking form that their work has not been published or under consideration anywhere else.

Post-Print Permission

IJSF does allow the author/s to archive their article in open access repositories as “post-prints” (A post-print is the final version of the article that the author sees before it is published or page proof stage).

Author/s may self-archive versions of their work on their own web pages, on institutional web pages, and in other repositories.

Abstract and Citation Information

Authors of IJSF may reuse the Abstract and Citation information i.e.  The Title of the manuscript, Author name & Publication dates of their article wherever the need at any time including social media such as Facebook, Twitter blogs etc., with the condition that where possible a link is included back to the article on the IJSF site. Preferably the link should be from the article available online on journal website.

Author’s Original Version

The Author’s Original Version (AOV) is defined here as the un-refereed author version of an article completed before submission of the article to the journal. This is sometimes referred to as the “preprint” version. The author accepts full responsibility for the article, and the content and layout is set out by the author (Oxford Journals). 

Authors may reuse their AOV anywhere at any time with the condition that after the article is accepted, they will provide a statement of acknowledgement, and that after the article has been published this acknowledgement is updated to provide details such as the volume and issue number, and a link to the published article on the journal’s website:

This article has been accepted for publication in [Journal Title] Published by Society of Scientific Footprints.

Accepted Manuscript

The accepted manuscript (AM) is the final draft author manuscript, as accepted for publication by a journal, including modifications based on referees’ suggestions, before it has undergone copyediting, typesetting and proof correction. This is sometimes referred to as the post-print version (Oxford Journals)

Immediately upon publication authors may:

  • Upload the AM to their own personal web page (excluding commercial websites and repositories)
  • Upload the AM to their institutional repository.