Mohammad Zamirul Islam
Factors Associated with Antenatal Care among Slum Women in Rajshahi City, Bangladesh
March-April 2014 [Abstract] [Full Text PDF]
[Article Number: SF-2014-19]
Somali Raha
Epistemic Violence and Colonialism: A Study of Coetzee’s “Foe” with special reference to Gayatri Spivak’s “Can the Subaltern Speak?”
March-April 2014 [Abstract] [Full Text PDF]
[Article Number: SF-2014-20]
Ajeet Jaiswal
Study the Relation between Fatigue, Sleepiness and Accidents among the workers of Indian Weaving Industries
March-April 2014 [Abstract] [Full Text PDF]
[Article Number: SF-2014-21]