The objective of this study was evaluating Golda small scale irrigation scheme using external performance indicators. The external indicators like water supply, agricultural out puts, physical , financial and organizational indicators were used. The value of relative water supply and relative irrigation supply were 1.6 and 1.2 respectively. The result of output per unit command area, output per unit irrigated area, output per unit water supply and output per unit water consumed were 3542.66US$, 4306.76US$, 1.42 and 0.69, respectively. The result of the physical indicators, which were irrigation ratio and sustainability of irrigated area, were found to be 0.82 and 1, respectively. Around 54% of gross return on investment was obtained. About 67.6% of respondents reflected the maintenance condition of the irrigation scheme was bad. Unfair distribution of water was due to water scarcity and illegal water users as the beneficiaries responded.