Scope of IJSF
International Journal of Scientific Footprints (IJSF) deals with various field of science. Scholar, academicians, researchers and students are encouraged to send their manuscript in the following fields of science;
Types of Articles Accepted at IJSF
Regular Articles
Regular articles are intended to describe innovative and confirmed discoveries normally means experimental procedures which are to be given in adequate details so that academicians of the relevant field may authenticate the scholarly work. A full paper should have such a length that is required to describe and interpret the work clearly and adequately.
Short Communications
Short communications are appropriate to record results of complete and small investigations and are suitable for giving details of a new model or it may be a hypothesis, a new and innovative method in scientific research, a technique or an apparatus.
Mini Reviews
Mini-reviews are also accepted for publication in the journal. These are also published after peer-review process. In nutshell the scope of IJSF covers the following areas.